Cosmetics Plus Forever




I worked for Cosmetics Plus from June 3, 1974 until I was fired in May 1978

I worked as a truck driver, warehouse man and for a brief time, assistant warehouse manager under a man named Stanley Kalafut, whose passing away in 2010 inspired me to put together the variety of essays I wrote about my time working there.

The bulk of the original collection comes from a 1998 journal recalling those events with several earlier journal entries I wrote starting just after I started college in 1979, and a series of journals I wrote after meeting up with a fellow worker, John Telson, in early 2002.

I have left the inconsistencies alone, although I tend to trust the earlier dated material such as those written in 1981 or 82 to the later material.

In going through old journals, I have discovered other writings that I did in this regard, other versions of the original, and some other aspects of the day to day life – and biographies of the main players I am adding to this site, including contemporary journal entries.

This is not a happy story. I do not come across as a good guy in it, but it is a story of people whose lives came together at a particular time and place, and

How this changed me and them forever.

Some of us went on to live totally different lives than we expected, others remained prisoners of that time, locked into habits we could not escape, and in the end, found that our life is story was written in those years in the dust of Cosmetics Plus, a testimony to hopes and dreams that never materialized.



0 - First Day on a new job


1 - Stan the Man


2 - Nothing crazy here, boy


3 - The job I almost never had


3 - The best job I ever had


4 - Donald Gottheimer: the self-made man


The importance of being Irving




Irv's favorite son, Barry?


Donald, Miracle Baby


Being lost with Barry


Barry’s unfulfilled legacy


4c - A Christmas Bonus? (journal 1981)


4a - Gwenn (journal 12/9/18)


5 - D&B Wholesale warehouse


6 - Carmella


7 - Carmella's World


7a - Carmella revisited


8 - Stanley's World


9 - Music Man Stan


9a -- A Broader vision of Stan


9b -- Man of Steel


10 - Donald's Ambition


11 - On the Road -- at last


11b – Eve of Bogota


11c – Road work


12 - John Charles Telson III


12a – Who Telson was


13 - Donald's Dream Warehouse


13 a – Tim Holly


13b – Deadhead


14 - Gary


14b – Another look at Gary


15 - Cliff O'Neil


15a – Another side of Cliff


16 - Isolation and Rebellion


17 - Night Shift


17a – the man from West Orange pharmacy


18 - Love Bites


18a – the girls in the outlet


18 b – What do you mean I’m fired?


19 - Aftermath


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