Call me back
Look baby, my change is running out.
Why don’t you call me back?
You sound lost, baby
And scared.
And I hope it’s not about me.
Yeah, I know all men are creeps, and maybe I’m a creep, too.
But you’ve got to call me back so we can keep talking
I feel like a lost sheep out there without you in my life
I never meant to hurt you or drive you away.
You’ve got to believe that, even if you don’t believe anything else I say.
Baby, please, call me back.
The change just dropped and the operator says if I don’t put in more money she’s gonna cut me off.
What’s that?
I can barely hear you for all the static.
Long distance and all that, you know.
Are you crazy? Is that what I hear?
Baby, please, you’ve got to call me back.
We can’t leave it off like this.
What guy?
What did he do to you?
Okay, so he seemed nice when you meat him at the bar.
What did he do?
Operator, get off the fucking line. This is important.
Baby, you still there?
Call me back.
I need to hear you without this bitch of an operator.
Let me back into your life, baby.
So I can protect you from creeps like that.
You know I never meant to hurt you.
You know I’m just a dumb fuck sometimes.
You know how much I need you and you need me.
No operator, I don’t need to make another fucking call