The Holocaust (Monologues and plays)

Katie Berces (true account)

Regina Resnick (true account)

Luba Woloski (true account)

The Jew next door (The Screen Play)

Six Million Faces in my head

It's only natural

Breaking bread

Waiting for something to happen

Counting bones instead of candles

How sorry he is

Law and order

They do not see me

When they get away


I am nobody

Not being real(Five connected monologues)

Wrong Steps

Where the Dogs go to die(monologues)

I won't let them take God from me

Inner Vocies (Eight connected monologues)

I stopped loving trains



Two tickets (monologue)

Digging for gold (monologue)

We turn to dust

One more thing to do (one act play)

Going Cold

I am a leaf (monologue)

Look at them

German Music (monologue)

Go right -- or is it left?

Yiddish Ghosts(Monologue)

If you breathe, it hurts less

A Good Nazi(monologue)

Bad blood

Passing for Christian(monologue)

The face of the Jew in my head

Hoping the nightmares fade (monologue)

Kind Eyes

Crosses in Concentration Camps

Windows of Black: On liberating Auschwitz-Birkenau

Krakow (A Schindler's list parody)

news coverage about Holocaust-related stuff

Schindler's List Revisited

Holocaust Remembrance Day Bayonne 2008

Jackets from the Holocaust

Why didn't the news cover the Holocaust?

Temple sold?

Bayonne Holocaust Remembrance honors the rightous 2007

Best Kept Secret

Uncovering the Jewish past
Because some professional actors said they could not use the work unless they were published; I have finally published these monologues and others -- and these are available at This collection includes other material not originally available on this site -- slightly over 40 monologues.
Holocaust Monologues: the real and the unreal

Email to Al Sullivan

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